Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hmmm.. You guys wondering what is the title all about.. fine.. It was about the treat, yesterday we had... yes.. I as promised i lived up to their expectations.. It was really nice one. We pampered some of guys to read their was worked out. We talked about office,technology and love.
I just briefed them on , if you get a girl, whom do you like most.. the life would be beautiful. I have got different feelings from the rest of the group. I need to feel sorry about of one our friend. If you looked at his indepth, probably every one in the world would feel bad about it. Infact it could be his mistake or his companion mistake.. his life become worse..but hide everything behind.. really i could not expect from him.
My friends prepared some chicken. I could not enjoy, as some one spoil the party spirit.
In the boozing party, one of my close friend, prepared some maps and omltes..
After a while, i had gone to bed to dreaming.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Flogging a dead horse

Been trying too scrap in my blog.. I could not make it as i am busy with the trainings. By the time i reach home, getting exhausted.. Finally here today to write up something.
Today, i am throwing a treat to my friends.. My friends are expecting alot in the treat. I hope, i would live up to their expectations.
I tried to call up my friend. But, she was not in a position to take up the call. i don't know what's wrong with me. I know, i can not flag a dead horse. So, decided not to make a call to anybody atleast for the time being.. I took this decision long days back...Haaaaaaa... it is awful..I cannot do that... Since I am staying away to family,friends and relatives.. I need to catch up them, atleast once in a week..
Things are going pretty well, except my GMAT.
Why i need this GMAT score high is, i have challenged with my friend, that would crack in to the Top B-Scool by coming January. Seems to be, it is awful to me.. As I feel, i have a long way to go.
Let me see what happens.. who would win the game between my friend and me.

Hey.. Tell me.. If any one of you, preparing for the GMAT and how you are planning to crack into the TOP B-school...

I badly need some people, so that i can team up with them. I persoanlly feel, brian stroming would always gives the best results. Two heads are better than always one..
I hope i would hear from atleast any one of you.

Monday, August 25, 2008

vacation...for 2 weeks...

after a long time.. almost 4 months.. I am going Hyderabad. My favourite distination place.. I never felt, boredom,when i was at Hyderabad. I spent almost 1.6 years.. used to hooked up with friends in week ends.. Hang around theaters.. not to mention.. I-MAX only..
Week days Oracle9i classes. My friends added me a tag "Sacrified guy". Infact, I am sacrified something, that can not pendown here.. can not forget some Discows with GE family. never boosed up, since i do not want to missed out, how people behaves if they have spiced up girls around with a chilled bears.
I am missing all my friends.. yes.. some ppl are getting married.. some are staying far away to me. i am not sure .. how many people i can flock if i turn around to hyderabad.. but for sure, i want to hooked with these people for the 10 days... Special to mention here, i need to meet my special friend. If i remember, i have met only twice after we got separated from the Oracle class..Need to see, shall i again wait for a call from my friend.. :(
Last time, when i was there, i had met all my friends and attended 2 of my friends marriages. It was really a good moment,after we left the KU campus..

Need to mention here.. Sudi.. the PORAMBOKU ( good one, Infact )of the GECF came to noida to give a surprise to me and add some more spicy to it, he joined in my company only.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hide Feelings

I just had a chat with my friend..
on his words, i come to know that i am too verbose.. he asked me, cannot u hide some thing.. to divulge to none..?

I really felt some thing need to hide.. I express everything.. but why ppl shud listen to me.. I am not sure.. that is really sounds good for the oppsite one.. need to change..
take a decision:
Hmm, not sure how long i can just stick to not to disclose every thing to opposite one.
If i make it, I am sure i would hurt some one ..none other than my friends.. if i do not talk and hide some thing.. they can catch me easily.. hmm.. i cannot resist my self..
Yes.. i do hide.. some feelings..some emotions.. hmm.. again i am disclosing everything by penning down my words here..
Hey..dude! i can not resist my self being a wordy...
i do not mind people calling me ..chatty..wordy..verbose...or as my friend suggest.. am garrulous..loquacious...Sorry Chetan.. am not a taciturn or not reserved kind of guy...
Grrr.. Oh.. chetan had a glare look at me..

Known to be Nice:
I had a chat with my onsite- mentor.. people in HCL so called..
he is a telugu guy.. gr8 to have a guy in my client side.. and as a mentor.. wow.. nice to see that.. Ok..u do not know who is this.. Ok..fine he work very close with the all traverlers servers......
nice to hear this.. and immediately i told him that i am going leave for a week.. He just nod his head.. Hope next week .. i go home and enjoy some time with my friends...
I have missed out hyd and chennai friends all this time.. i go and find a gud time for sure..

sounding in My Ear

"Hey! Sreeni.. Create a new service call and give me the Ticket Id", angira had to say last word before leaving for the day. gazzed at her and turned off to make a call to my friend and wish her happy married life. She just turndown with nupital knot. I given a call.but no responce. i guess she might have some fun time with the relatives..
Opps.. I have to give a to my buddy. I guess, today we will have a brawl between us. I supposed to hear her voice early in the morning. but it's too late.

Oh.. Is it required to me???.. to have one more MBA in my belt. I am already turning down to 27.
Yes..of, course.. This time aorund in my life, is very important. I have to go long way.. to thru this GMAT.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This has been a long way till now to join new company. ppl in the previous organization were really good.. they are really amicable. but things suddenly shattered when i came to noida. My HR manager, very sluggish, so i had lot of problems. I never had idea that i had to callup 100 + number of people to sort of out things. apparently, this is the place, i feel boredom,saturated.

here, i have to pen down my thoughts about my MBA aspirations. I did my MBA already from the UNIVERSITY campus, but i did not feel that would satisfies and put me in a global map.

I started preparing for the gmat. Till now things are shapped as i planed. i have to go long way, i know. Hope i would put my efforts to endeavour the Best Score ( For me around 740+) in the GMAT. Not to ignore, i have to give my TOFEL. Plan for TOFEL not much. But need to give the best shot in TOFEL as well.