Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Second day: Saturday

Wow. I can say its memorable, terrific day. Here I am e-inking my memorable moments that I spent on the Saturday. Do not take everything very close to the heart. So here I go.

In the evening, as we started to drive towards Taco Mac, cool breeze joined us. As we entered in to the Taco Mac, there were two waitress asked us to wait for some time, came out to enjoy the cool breeze. One among them was gorgeous… There at the end left corner, Indian was sitting with a glass of beer. To astound, waitress asked to sit next to the Indian sitting table. Menu was infront of us. I ordered one buffalo chicken(Its pure chicken item guys…) with salsa fries. We joined a passport club. This passport club useful I guess only for the one who has amazing ability to drink, so one’s name would be placed on the top of the club. for this, said one have to reach up to 90 beers. There were around 800 types of beers.In fact, two of our friends got T-shirts, by reaching 13 beers.
But to scare, each beer cost you some where around $5, is it does not sufficient, there are taxes. Taxes are very high in US. Buffalo wings and Salsa cost me around $15.86. Here I need pendown about the server.Because we chanted her name for the three days. She was terrific, named as Brooke. She is just around 18. She told us that as she is minor, does not take a beer in the public places. She messed up so many things while she getting bills for us. We preferred to pay individually. We become close all together with just single treat. For not to reach your expectations, my friend asked Brooke to go on a date. She said firmly, that she could wish to do that. Amazing..wonderful…. praising so much, but she deserved. we have given a tip of $2 each. So she managed to get some where around $10.As we return back to home, my friend mayank almost hitting the pole near to house.some how managed... So here it all about the saturday..

First day in US

Here i wanted to jotted down my experiences in week basis. First past by, here i go..
We landed in the Chicago airport @ around 5 Am early morning. we had to rush in to the re check-in baggage and thrown our baggage. We had have enough time to catch up with the
Atlanta flight ( final destination). Finally we managed to reach there. We were desperately looking for a food. In the airport, we have paid $8.7(450Rs around) bucks to get 2 pieces of bread. I was interested in Apples. But my friend insisted to eat me this. I guess I am fanatic. But this time, I listened to his tunes. I have to learn one thing firmly in my life saying “NO”. finally we managed to ate 2 pieces of bread.

We had some fun time relaxing our eyes by looking at the girls. They were awesome.
We took a flight to Atlanta at around 10 am. These inter state flights are very small in size but not in sound pollution.
Anshul’s uncle and aunty have come. Then took a cab to heading towards apartment.
We had witnessed wide roads, big trees, building, and cars. There were so many cars, that I never imagine that I would see. Believe me, first day, I was witnessed only 3 bi-cycles.Since we had to collect the keys from the Mayank, we plunk to the doors till 4:30pm.Eventually, we entered in to our house. Since, we were tired, prepared some maggies and slept till the morning.