Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First day in US

Here i wanted to jotted down my experiences in week basis. First past by, here i go..
We landed in the Chicago airport @ around 5 Am early morning. we had to rush in to the re check-in baggage and thrown our baggage. We had have enough time to catch up with the
Atlanta flight ( final destination). Finally we managed to reach there. We were desperately looking for a food. In the airport, we have paid $8.7(450Rs around) bucks to get 2 pieces of bread. I was interested in Apples. But my friend insisted to eat me this. I guess I am fanatic. But this time, I listened to his tunes. I have to learn one thing firmly in my life saying “NO”. finally we managed to ate 2 pieces of bread.

We had some fun time relaxing our eyes by looking at the girls. They were awesome.
We took a flight to Atlanta at around 10 am. These inter state flights are very small in size but not in sound pollution.
Anshul’s uncle and aunty have come. Then took a cab to heading towards apartment.
We had witnessed wide roads, big trees, building, and cars. There were so many cars, that I never imagine that I would see. Believe me, first day, I was witnessed only 3 bi-cycles.Since we had to collect the keys from the Mayank, we plunk to the doors till 4:30pm.Eventually, we entered in to our house. Since, we were tired, prepared some maggies and slept till the morning.

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