Saturday, August 30, 2008

Flogging a dead horse

Been trying too scrap in my blog.. I could not make it as i am busy with the trainings. By the time i reach home, getting exhausted.. Finally here today to write up something.
Today, i am throwing a treat to my friends.. My friends are expecting alot in the treat. I hope, i would live up to their expectations.
I tried to call up my friend. But, she was not in a position to take up the call. i don't know what's wrong with me. I know, i can not flag a dead horse. So, decided not to make a call to anybody atleast for the time being.. I took this decision long days back...Haaaaaaa... it is awful..I cannot do that... Since I am staying away to family,friends and relatives.. I need to catch up them, atleast once in a week..
Things are going pretty well, except my GMAT.
Why i need this GMAT score high is, i have challenged with my friend, that would crack in to the Top B-Scool by coming January. Seems to be, it is awful to me.. As I feel, i have a long way to go.
Let me see what happens.. who would win the game between my friend and me.

Hey.. Tell me.. If any one of you, preparing for the GMAT and how you are planning to crack into the TOP B-school...

I badly need some people, so that i can team up with them. I persoanlly feel, brian stroming would always gives the best results. Two heads are better than always one..
I hope i would hear from atleast any one of you.