Monday, August 25, 2008

vacation...for 2 weeks...

after a long time.. almost 4 months.. I am going Hyderabad. My favourite distination place.. I never felt, boredom,when i was at Hyderabad. I spent almost 1.6 years.. used to hooked up with friends in week ends.. Hang around theaters.. not to mention.. I-MAX only..
Week days Oracle9i classes. My friends added me a tag "Sacrified guy". Infact, I am sacrified something, that can not pendown here.. can not forget some Discows with GE family. never boosed up, since i do not want to missed out, how people behaves if they have spiced up girls around with a chilled bears.
I am missing all my friends.. yes.. some ppl are getting married.. some are staying far away to me. i am not sure .. how many people i can flock if i turn around to hyderabad.. but for sure, i want to hooked with these people for the 10 days... Special to mention here, i need to meet my special friend. If i remember, i have met only twice after we got separated from the Oracle class..Need to see, shall i again wait for a call from my friend.. :(
Last time, when i was there, i had met all my friends and attended 2 of my friends marriages. It was really a good moment,after we left the KU campus..

Need to mention here.. Sudi.. the PORAMBOKU ( good one, Infact )of the GECF came to noida to give a surprise to me and add some more spicy to it, he joined in my company only.