Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hmmm.. You guys wondering what is the title all about.. fine.. It was about the treat, yesterday we had... yes.. I as promised i lived up to their expectations.. It was really nice one. We pampered some of guys to read their was worked out. We talked about office,technology and love.
I just briefed them on , if you get a girl, whom do you like most.. the life would be beautiful. I have got different feelings from the rest of the group. I need to feel sorry about of one our friend. If you looked at his indepth, probably every one in the world would feel bad about it. Infact it could be his mistake or his companion mistake.. his life become worse..but hide everything behind.. really i could not expect from him.
My friends prepared some chicken. I could not enjoy, as some one spoil the party spirit.
In the boozing party, one of my close friend, prepared some maps and omltes..
After a while, i had gone to bed to dreaming.